Mars 8-28-2003 - Last Photos Taken of Mars

Just after Opposition

The Mars opposition of 2003.  Photographs were taken with a 3com WebConnect webcam (at medium resolution) at the prime focus of my f/15 7" LX-50 Meade Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope.  All photos are at f/15 unless otherwise stated.  All of these images were stacked using Registax 2.0.  Since the atmosphere refracts the Red, Green, and Blue channels by differing amounts, the color shift option was used to compensate for this effect.  Wavelets were used to increase the sharpness.  The files so created were then further processed with Corel Photopaint 9 using the unsharp mask, tone curve, hue, guassian blur and contrast.  All of these are eyeballed for best iamge.
Left: Time: 8/28/2003 12:26 am PST Stacked 159 frames

Right: Time: 8/28/2003 12:33 am PST Stacked 41 frames

Left: Time: 8/28/2003 12:44 am PST    Stacked Frames: 40  aken at f/37.5 with 2.5x Televue Powermate

Right: Time: 8/28/2003 12:50 am PST    Stacked Frames: 171 taken at f/37.5 with 2.5x Televue Powermate

Composite of The two images above.  Notice that the polar cap is better defined and the details of the surface is less grainy.
These were the last shots of Mars I took of the 2003 Opposition.